
Hello and welcome to the King’s Lynn Amateur Radio Club Website.


OFCOM licensing service changes delayed.

According to the Ofcom website, the delays have impacted Phases 2 and 3 of the planned changes to the amateur radio licensing framework. Phase 2 includes changes to new Intermediate callsigns, special event station rules and restrictions on the number of callsigns an individual may hold. Revised plans are expected to be published soon.

You can read the update on the Ofcom website HERE.


Mutterings from the management

Summer is allegedly on the way, and so seeing as I last managed to write something on Christmas Day, I thought I’d better make the effort!
We have had some really great talks over the last couple of months, and we have more to come.  We’ve found out more about witches than we ever thouught we’d want to know, and we’re looking forward to hearing about more Norfolk myths in the months to come.  We heard about Voyager as it heads out where no man has gone before.   We had a secret squirrel talk from BBC Ian that we could tell you about, but then……..
Coming up, we have VHF antennas on the 9th May and the RSGB coming over to talk about the changes that are happening on the 23rd May.  All are welcome, talks generally start around 1930, and there is often cake!
Our next meeting is 20th June, and is the AGM. Everyone is welcome, but only paid up members can vote. If anyone has anything that they would like putting on the agenda, please let Dave know by the end of May.  If anyone would like to stand for election, of course they are also more than welcome!
Lastly, please remember that the KLARC rally is 4th August and Lighthouses is 17th August! Let us know if you can help or if not, then please do drop by and see us.
We will still be running the KLARC GB3KY Sunday night Net at 19:00. As usual the Club Skype chat will be live from about 18:30. If you haven’t been on a Skype chat with us before and are curious click here to find us or email me and I’ll help you to get sorted.
I think that’s all the exciting news I have for now.  We are always open on a Thursday, and we have had several new members over the last couple of months. Please pop in if you’re in the area.
Sarah (2E0NRX)
