31st January 2019
It’s Ron’s talk! Club Night Diaries is coming to you live from Ron’s talk, which is fascinating, but yours truly is relying on the heat from the laptop to keep warm.
Mr Chairman’s Good Lady Wife has supplied enough tea and coffee to float the Titanic, and there are a number of interesting foil covered trays in the kitchen that require some investigation…
The foil trays were indeed thoroughly investigated and very much enjoyed.
Now, just so we are all aware, next week is the AGM for the club. All are invited but only members have voting rights. Two of our esteemed leaders are stepping down, Ian, as deputy chairman, and Ted as membership secretary. Any expressions of interest can be given to Olly on the night.
See you next week!
24th January 2019
Tonight has been a mixed bag of personal retrospectives including Geoff reminiscing about concerts he has been to (the ones he remembers) Jack and his fishing bed, and long discussions about a Slim Jim that someone brought down with them. (You see! We did talk some radio!)
Interestingly enough, the Slim Jim was designed by a chap who used to live at Cantley, and this had come from the good ol’ US of A. Much was made of this. However, Ian was willing to get it out for Club Night Diaries, and so that began an evening of experimentation.
First, it got attached to a radio. it had to go on a pole. After all, it’s supposed to be high up.
Ah ha! A window pole! That’s ideal for this kind of job apparently.
At this point there was a discussion about just how big a Slim Jim was. Ian demonstrated the length for the purposes of Club Night Diaries.
Another Ian was inspired by this, and began to think about making a Slim Jim of his own. He even found the appropriate cable in the shack.
Meanwhile, the original Slim Jib brigade had got it up and running, and were very pleased with themselves. They couldn’t hear anything though, and so, in the depths of a Norfolk January night, they headed out, armed with a Baofeng and a Slim Jim mounted on a window pole to attempt communication.
Was there anybody out there? Well, of course there was! It was a Most Successful Evening for this happy little band.
Ian and Ian discussed whether the materials found would enable Ian to make what he needed.
There were no Mysterious Boxes this week though, which was sad. However, the following was presented with much joy to Mr Chairman, whose face beamed with delight. Well, I think it was delight…
Anyway, next week is the talk by Ron, and the week after is the AGM, to which all are welcome, but only members have voting rights.
17th January 2019
You may ask, “What happened to ClubNightDiaries last week missus?”
I will tell you “There was no heating. It was cold. My brain stopped working. People stopped talking. We all went home early.”
This week however, there is Much Happening.
The Clansman has been taken out for a wander, to see what could be heard.
Other people, other than the Bringers Of Mysterious Boxes, attempted to bring boxes.
The professional soon appeared, with a Mysterious Box of £6 objects.
The highlight of the evening, was the news that the Chairman has followed through on his promise to care for his flock. Yes people, there is a New Kettle! (cue angels singing, shafts of light breaking through, and so on.)
Tragically, a series of appalling name based jokes by Ian and Jeff upset the flow of Club Night Diaries. However, discussions on the misspent youth of the assembled populace during the 60’s and 70’s were of much interest to this youngster!
Then this took place. An impromptu training session on the use of the Baofeng handhelds that many of us have. Yes dear reader, this club does it all, from the heft of the mighty Clansman to the compact little Baofeng (on which yours truly heard the space station a couple of weeks ago!)
And now.
*drum roll*
There is an announcement!
Clear your diaries! All are invited to the educational event of the season, a talk by Ron on Search and Rescue Radio in two weeks time. It is a not to be missed event, as this gentleman is highly in demand for pre-scone speaking. Come one, come all!
There is also a rumour that Kev is doing wearable call signs. Ask him. Ask him a lot. Ask him repeatedly. Badge-er him….
Now, there will be many updates over the next few weeks, and hopefully the Private Members side of the site is not far away. Do let me know if there is anything particular you would like to see, or extra items you would like me to add.
3rd January 2019
Welcome to another year of Club Night Diaries.
Who can tell what the year ahead will bring?
Well, we know what is likely.
- The Bringers of Mysterious Boxes will bring more mysterious things. This is a fact. There will be shiny things, old things, new things, things for six quid, and things you didn’t even know you wanted.
- There will be more courses for those who want them. Kev is eager to do Foundation and Intermediate courses, and is available, after much persuasion, for ‘discussion of the Advanced if you get stuck.’
- Much tea will be drunk, many chocolate bars eaten, and we might even get a new kettle.
- Lighthouses on the Air, Castles on the Air, the Rally and a few other things will be occurring, with details available on the website as soon as they are available.
- There will be talks! So far we have one on Radio in Search and Rescue booked in, and another on Ultra-High Frequency Radio.
- We are aiming for at least 4th in the contests this year!
So all things are possible, and all may happen, but whatever the night brings, two things are certain. First, that there will always be a warm welcome and a brew for new members, visitors and continuing members alike, and secondly, that it’ll all be recorded in Club Night Diaries!