Grantham 2019

Grantham Radio Rally dawned cold and with a threat of sleet.  We journeyed there with discussions of what we intended to purchase led by Ian, the master of the radio rally.  On arrival, we appreciated the flatness of the carpark.

The burger van was outside, and although it was an excellent bacon roll and cup of tea, we were blown away by Ian’s out of the box decision to have cheesy chips.


The actual rally itself was useful, everyone bought something, and we met up with Kev, so KLARC was well represented and the badges were noticed!  It was a very useful rally for those who wanted ‘bits’ as there were a number of boxes, plastic tubs and so on full of radio innards.

Scores on the doors were as follows.

Plus points

  • generous amount of bacon
  • big floury baps
  • no queue
  • range of sauces
  • very friendly door staff
  • radio equipment

Minus points

  • weather
  • no where to put tea etc, although Jack managed to find somewhere for the vertically enhanced to put theirs.

Random articles for sale

A saddle rack and silver wrapping paper.  This has set the bar high for future rally round ups.

Overall score 8 out of 10 (we decided not to deduct points for the weather, although our Chairman always arranges sunshine…)

Grantham, we’ll see you next year!