28th March
It’s a quiet night this week. There’s a contest on 80m and various people are at various home QTH’s doing it. Jack is in the Club shack, (under the supervision of Ian, obviously) doing his bit.
There’s no teaching this week, because Kev is at his own QTH.
There is, however, a vast amount of STUFF, brought in by our esteemed chairman, on behalf of G0UMM (Nigel) which has occasioned some poking around.
However, in terms of light entertainment, Mike turned up with a full on bandage beanie hat, courtesy of the local hospital. It has meant we are one man down for the contest, but according to him, it’s the result of wanting a haircut like our glorious chairman.
Next week is a committee meeting, which will be as thrilling as usual, and will result in an even more quiet Club Night Diaries than this week, because the committee meeting is available to members only. 7:45 start, make sure there’s a brew in your hand!
14th March
Apologies from the author of CND, who really thought this week had been done! And then it hadn’t. So, step into the T.A.R.D.I.S…
This week several people commented on just how many people the club is now getting on an average night. Partly, this comment was made by some on account of the slight congestion that the car park suffers from. However, the drier weather is now here, and perhaps more of the grassed area can be used. We shall see.
Dave got on with folding more leaflets to go out at various ‘On The Air’ events, and the Green Radio brigade poked Green Radios a lot.
And then the Green Radio’s went out for a bit. They were doing radio. Seriously!
Meanwhile, this appeared.
Club Night Diaries is not going to put any technical information in here, because that information was not supplied, but the Bringers of Mysterious Boxes seemed to be enjoying themselves.
The Techno Squad carried on poking the computer after the trauma of the night before when various members had discovered the hard way that you couldn’t use a Morse reader through a certain linkage. (But we did eat wagon wheels and drink tea, so Wednesday night wasn’t a dead loss)
And that was Club Night Diaries last week, and now it’s up and working! Hurrah!
7th March 2019
Tonight was a night of welcoming fellow amateurs from different clubs, as we had a talk from John, G4BAO on Es’hailsat, a geostationary satellite that carries not one, but two transponders, narrowband for CW/SSB and wideband for DATV.
It was well attended by people from all over the world. Well. Norfolk. And Lincolnshire, which is therefore practically all over the world.
The talk was fascinating and showed yet another facet of radio waiting to be explored. Details of the talk and the powerpoint that accompanied it will soon be found on the website of the speaker, G4BAO.com.
Mrs Olly did her usual magnificent job of feeding the populace, although Club Night Diaries had to be very quick to get a photo of any of the food before the locusts descended.
The Green Radio Gang discussed green spikes, their placement in the green bag of bits, and their attachment to green radios. They then planned a road trip, to find more green things, of which more later.
After much convivial discussion, The Chairman showed that, with great power also comes great responsibility, demonstrating his humble side by hoovering the expanse of the carpet, whilst Ted did his bit for interclub relations, and others made plans for Airfields on the Air.
And this is serious.
Properly serious.
Dear reader, you must concentrate.
There was an issue at the end of the night that bears investigation. We may even need a subcommittee, it’s that serious. The writer of Club Night Diaries would like to point out that any persons in the photographs to follow were not originators of the offence, but were merely accessories after the fact.
Yes. As the readership can see, someone stacked the chairs BACKWARDS!
Such a travesty will not go unmarked, and thankfully the club members from Norwich and Spalding had gone by this point, so nobody needs to know.
However, in order to finish on a positive note, as befits a joy filled club such as KLARC, CND would like to announce a new feature called “Rate my Rally” whereby members will attend various rallies around the country, (probably the bits near to Norfolk, to be fair) and will cast opinions on anything from the bacon sandwiches to…. the bacon sandwiches. Maybe the tea as well.
This week, the team are off to Grantham on Sunday, under the guidance and tutelage of Ian, who knows all there is to know about the humble bacon bap and we look forward to learning many things. Any of the membership can contribute based on any rally attended and bacon sandwiches consumed. Sausage ones at a push.