RSGB 40m QSO Party 8th June.
Kev opened the club to allow any interested members the chance to play radio in the QSO party.
This allowed several members the chance to practice the “different” way contest exchanges happen, as well as the requirement for speed and accurate logging.
Operators on the day were Ben (2E0TKK), Robin (2E0RQQ), Steve (2E0XSB), Becky (2E0XXR) and steveGeorge (2E0TKK) all under the watchfull eye of Kev (M0KKM) and Mike (M0XXM) to keep things legal.
Despite computer issues which led to us using a traditional paper log, we managed to achieve 20 contacts including some contenantals.
Considering that they were using an unfamiliar radio, the old Yaesu FT-840, lacking the “bells & whistles” of their usual equipmet., they all did very well and gained usefull experience, with any luck we will see some of them join in the 40m CC contests to support the club.
The next QSO party is 20th July, times tbc.