SDARS – Spalding Rally


And here we all are in our usual meeting place, waiting for rally time at Spalding. It’s a 0930 start, but we’re here early. Hot chocolates all round and general chat about the snappy dogs, balloons and exams.

As the Bacon Brigade continues to grow in force, we welcome Karen and Ben to our midst. This week we have 9 of us here, waiting on Dave the Pirate and Mike-On-his-bike and we should see Pete and some others there. This is looking less like a Bacon Brigade, and more like an invasion!

Whilst we wait there is some discussion about the new location of the rally. We wait to see how this will affect the scores.


We are on the way home. The rally was lovely. Lots of stalls outside, some on grass, some on gravel, and also some inside. The RSGB were there and did well out of the KLARC Advanced Attempters, several of which bought various books.

As you can see, it was a beautiful day. Several of us bought items that we were after, and some of us bought things that we weren’t after but that we needed. Ok, wanted. Anyway.

The scores :

SDARS scores very highly for general niceness. There were a lot of stewards and they were all very helpful.