One of the highlights of the 2018 Radio Rally was being able to present Ray Dowsett M.B.E. (G3RSV) with his Honourary Lifetime Membership Award, in light of a lifetime of dedication to the hobby and the club.
GB3KY Update
Repeater has regular use especially as we have had a couple of lifts recently that has seen some more distant stations working through. Following some reports of “chopping” on received analogue signals mainly on the edge of the coverage area the squelch settings have been adjusted. The squelch is set to its most sensitive level and a delay of 1 second with maximum hysteresis has been set. This should reduce the amount of clipping.
At this time of the year there are a bank of trees that go into full leaf close to the site and this will reduce access to those to the south and south west of the site – i.e if stations are having difficulties they will improve when the leaves go.
Latest updates are always available here
Hope that helps
Kevin G1SCQ
NET NIGHT Cancelled whilst shack refurb. Thanks for your support………..
Update: GB3KL 70cms Analogue/Fusion Repeater
GB3KL 70cms Analogue/Fusion Repeater
Output 433.100 Input 434.700
Repeater Keeper: Peter G0IJU Link Keeper Roy G8KOC
The Repeater is now dual mode and is linked to the WIRES-DX worldwide system via an RF gateway.
You can use it as a normal analogue repeater or by switching to DN mode on your Yaesu rig (same frequency) link to CQ-UK room.
The WIRES-X gateway is attended use and may not always be available, however the repeater will function 24/7 in the NV mode.
You can disconnect the CQ-UK room using you trans receiver in the X mode and reconnect to any of the hundreds of Worldwide stations any time while on the repeater.
To access other rooms on a Yaesu FTM100D:
- Press and hold the DX button ( X flashes on the L/H side of Frequency display).
When GB3KL is connected X is solid and the display will show:
GB3KL-LINK Kings Lynn CQ-UK - Press and hold BAND/MHz Button – this displays CATEGORY list – Rotate Dial to Display ALL Rooms then press DISP/SETUP briefly. This will display a list of all accessible rooms (100s).
- Rotate the dial to select the room you want to connect to – then press DISP/SETUP Make your call.
- To disconnect press and hold * (star) on the microphone for over 1 second – Then if needed press DX button.
- Please leave a 4 second gap between overs to allow link to reset.
More information on WIRE-X radios and System can be found by downloading THE WIRES-X BIBLE. Google it.
Also have a look at this for CQ-UK info –
Yaesu Fusion Mode
MB6ISW-GW DV Fusion Simplex Gateway 431.075 Node id 31098 Room id 41098.
Licenced for attended use 5 watt ERP
The Gateway is active in South Wootton giving a coverage of Kings Lynn for mobiles ( not yet tested outside of town )
How to use Gateway with a Yaesu Fusion Radio:
1. Set Frequency to 431.075. for MB6ISW Kings Lynn 431.0875 for MB6IWB ( Wisbech )
2. Select DN Mode.
3. Press the PTT and Talk.
The Gateway is set to UK-NET-HUB and your transmissions will come out of all connected Gateways – Repeaters and Nodes in the UK normally 20 plus.
You can disconnect the UK-Net-Hub using your transceiver in the X mode and reconnect to any of the hundreds of world-wide stations at any time while in the Gateway.
MB6IWB-GW DV Fusion Gateway 431.0875.
Node ID 18772 Room ID 28772.
Licenced to Barrie G7UFI at Marshland St James.
For Full Wires x Info see the Wires x Bible here
Feel free to use the gateways!