23rd September 2021 Club Night Diaries

Club has been meeting for the last few weeks, and it’s going well. There are a few rules, and we make sure they are followed because nobody wants to be ill, and nobody wants to make anyone else ill! (When you come, bring a jumper, because we will be having the doors open for ventilation!)

We’ve had an influx of new members, and that’s lovely. Everyone is welcome, and it’s nice to see people coming back.

In contest news, the data contest tonight is ongoing, with a variety of people taking part from home and Jack (2E0HSP) running it from the shed.

Several of us visited Foxton Rally this weekend past, and had a lovely time. They did not run out of bacon this year!

As usual the nets are running, the skype-net is running before the nets, and again, everyone is welcome. If you are new to the hobby, get in contact and we will help with whatever we can.
